Rhein in Flammen - Oberwesel - Gravity - 2014

Rhein in Flammen – Oberwesel 2014

2014 – A rainy year for the fireworks industry, no construction without rain, but for the show – rain free … Saint Peter likes fireworks! The entire team also had this realization this year – on the night of the 1000 fire – in Oberwesel. 4 days set-up, 20 people crew, 1.5 weeks of preparation…
zündwerk - Goethe Uni Frankfurt- 2014

100 years of the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main 2014

On Saturday evening, 18 October 2014, the 100th anniversary of the Goethe University in Frankfurt reached its peak with a brilliant firework display. For this purpose, the 250 meter long and 35 meter high Poelzig ensembles, better known as the IG color house on the Westend campus, were equipped with pyrotechnics for 7 days. There…
Rhein in Flammen Oberwesel - Pyro-Musicals von zündwerk

Rhein in Flammen 2015 – Oberwesel

On September 12, 2015, the sky was shining again. This year’s theme of the almost 20 minute show was called The Art Of Rock. Rock’n’Roll as an art form? The music scholars argue for years the fact that between 1968 and 1975 there was an enormous artistic output in the music and thus the notion…
Zündwerk - Pyro Musical - Tag der deutschen Einheit 2015

Tag der Deutschen Einheit 2015

Frankfurt celebrated the large citizens’ festival on the 25th anniversary of the “Tag der Deutschen Einheit”. The highlight of the festivities was the great light spectacle on October 3, 2015 on the Untermainbrücke over the river Main. zündwerk was part of the large 45-minute stage production and provided with the final fireworks for a highlight…
EFL Finale Samsung Frankfurt Universe Feuerwerk

EFL Final Samsung Frankfurt Universe 2016

The final match between the Samsung Universe Frankfurt and Amsterdam Crusaders on Saturday 11/06/2016 was held in Frankfurt am Bornheimer Hang. More than 6,000 fans, the Frankfurt team was successful against Amsterdam and thus won the first title of the season 2016th When handing over the trophy there was a large firework display over the…
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